Carpet Cleaning and Care Concerns
Hi and welcome back to my carpet care blog. Today we’ll talk about why carpets instead of just hardwood or tile for your home.
We are in some of the finest homes in Dupage, Cook and Lake Counties.
Homes that are truly magnificent and often we hear homeowners say they are just going with hardwood or tile on their homes to avoid the dust mites; allergens, indoor air pollution carpets and rugs can produce.
While I am all in favor of a minimalist approach and few things are as refreshing as a home tastefully yet sparsely appointed the truth is that a home without floor coverings in all likelihood may have poorer indoor air quality (IAQ) than a home without these things.
Okay Jimmy. I’ll bite. Why would a home free of rugs and carpet possibly have poorer IAQ then a home free of those things?
Glad you asked. The biggest filter in you home is not on the furnace or on that Hepa filter air purifier its your carpets and rugs. They naturally hold and trap the dust that blows into your home from the open door or the open garage. Dust and dirt getting into your home is a fact of life. You can be careful but not that careful. It’s coming in. Period. And when it does it settles on everything. If it settles on your floor coverings they hold it and trap it until you vacuum it out—some of it anyway. Then I get a bunch more out when we clean for you. But without the rugs and carpets and drapes or curtains that dust just lies on your floor till you walk though, stir it up and breath it into your lungs. Wowzers! Someone get me a dust mask please.
You have several options. You can go clean room stealth mode and obsess about the dust in your home. You can ignore it and never dust or vac or you can take a middle ground and get a decent vacuum and have your carpets and home furnishings cleaned once a year and flush out all the stuff that came in uninvited. Middle ground is usually the best way. And besides adding an incredibly effective filter to help purify your home’s air you get to enjoy the beauty of your rugs and carpets. They also soften sound so when you got four young kids all clambering at the top of their little lungs for more spaghetti and the dog ate my bread and Gabe punched me things though chaotic are not as loud or as crazy as they might be and that’s a good thing too.
Read our next blog to discover the most commonly made mistakes about this important subject, after all like the Hollies once send, “All I need is the air I breathe,” Let’s make sure it’s as pure and clean as it possibly can be.
Till next time, stay frosty my friends and if you need carpet cleaning in Hinsdale or any other Chicago suburb look us up!
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To infinity and beyond...
Monday - Friday: 6:30am - 6:30pm
Sat: 9am - 5pm | Sundays Closed
Service Area
We proudly serve Hinsdale, Wheaton, and surrounding Dupage County.
630 779 4295